Step by Step Guide to Sell your Car in Nepal

Selling a car is not difficult. There are many online portals in Nepal through which you can buy and sell your car. If you want to sell your car, you can sell it through an online portal like

It’s a safe online portal to trade a car. You don’t have to hassle to sell a car in Nepal. It’s quite easy and simple. You just have to know how it’s done.  

There are certain criteria you have to fulfill to place your car on sale. Turning your car into money is an easy task in Nepal. Selling your car might sound difficult, but it is not. You just need to know how it is done.

Step 1: Look for options

An online portal is surely a great option to sell your car in Nepal, but there are also other options you can consider. If you want to turn a car into cash quickly, and someone from your friend circle is willing to buy a second-hand car, then you can easily make a quick sell. 

If you couldn’t find anyone from your friend circle, you can always sell it through an online portal. However, you might not be able to turn your car quickly into money, but it is a reliable and safe option. 

Also, you can consider dealerships to sell a car. They are also a safe option but may not pay you much. Dealership always underestimates your car and offers you less money. 

Step 2: Prepare paper

Once you have decided which option you want to choose to sell your car, you need to get the paperwork done. In general, you will need the title of the car.

The title of the car is the document where the potential buyer will sign, which proves that he/ she owns the car. Basically, it is a paper that states the transfer of ownership. 

You need to be prepared with the title before you visit dealerships or place a sale of your car in any online porter of Nepal. As soon as you made your mind to sell the car, you can start the process of preparing the car’s title.

Try to understand what information is necessary to prepare a car's title. This will make the selling process easy and efficient. 

Step 3: Fix the issue of the car

Though you are selling a second-hand car, it is not necessary that the car look used. The appearance of the car is what appeals to potential buyers. The first impression of the car is important to get the price you want. 

So, it’s not a bad idea to put some effort into fixing the issue of the car before placing it for sale. Sales of the car also depend on how many miles it has traveled.

If you are trying to sell a very old car, you might not get huge money even if you try to fix all the minor and major issues. 

Step 4: Evaluate the price of the car

Once you’re done with repairing and paperwork, take some time to determine the worth of your car. Do market research and determine how much money you can get for your car.

You can take your car to a mechanic who will analyze your car and tell you how much you can get from the sale. 

After you have estimated the amount of the car, you can set a reasonable price from minimum to maximum. Don’t overestimate your car. If you put a high amount, it can be very challenging to sell the car. 

Step 5: Take a picture of your car

Since the appearance of the car is the first thing that matters to a potential buyer, so take a beautiful picture of your car to upload in an online porter. It’s better if you upload a picture of both interior and exterior of the car.

While taking a picture, makes sure you are highlighting all the details. Taking random pictures of the car will waste the time of the buyer.

Buyers are more interested in looking at important features of the car. So, don’t take a random picture of the car. Try to display important aspects of the car in the picture. 

Step 6: Show the features of the car

If a buyer shows interest in your car, you need to explain every detail about your car. Let your buyer know the inbuilt technology of the car, safety, comfort, and other features of the car. 

Presenting the car is a very important part of the selling process. The way you interact with the buyer plays a big role in the selling process.

If you are able to impress the buyer with your words, there is a high chance that the buyer will purchase your car.  

If the buyer wants to test drive, give permission. But don’t allow the buyer to test drive alone. It would be better if you join the buyer while test driving. 

Step 7: Negotiate the price 

If the buyer is satisfied with the car, he or she will immediately accept your offer. After your buyer shows interest, you can offer the price. Understand the value of your car and set a reasonable price for the car. 

The buyer will not hesitate to pay the price you offer if the price matches the value of the car. The buyer also does research, so it’s better to stay true to the value of the car. 

Step 8: Payment 

The final step of selling a car is receiving payment. When it comes to receiving payment, it’s better to ask for cash. Cash payment is easy and safe. 

Before you hand over the car to the buyer, don’t forget to cancel the insurance policy and remove your license plate. Make sure that authority of the car is transfer to the buyer after you get paid. 

You just have to know the right process to sell your car in Nepal, it’s not complex. After you are done with all the process of selling car, you can probably go to buy a new car. 

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